Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Boatbuilding Shop

Last winter I was concerned about where I would build my Punt. Our garage is unheated and working there in the dead of winter is about intolerable. I solved that problem by relocating to Florida -- an easy fix that I am sure anyone can do.

Here at The Great Outdoors RV Park, we have something called "The Sawdust Club". It is a woodworking club and facility. For a $25 new member fee and $35 annual dues, I get full use of the facility 24/7.

There is a Main Work Room

... a Tool Room

...and a Paint Room

So this is where I will build "Bob's Elegant Punt"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where Have I Been ??

It has been over a year since my last post -- but oh what a year. Here it is in a nutshell.

Last half of December 2010 -- holidays and family.

January 2011 -- traded the pop-up camper in for a new Cougar High Country Fifth Wheel.

Feb to late Aug 2011 -- time and energy went into getting our house ready to sell. Some repair projects along with a lot of decluttering and disposing.

April 2011 -- picked up our new Fifth Wheel.

May 2011 -- shakedown trip to Myrtle Beach, SC.

End of Aug 2011 -- closed up the house and headed south to Florida.

Sep and Oct 2011 -- Volunteered at Panhandle Pioneer Settlement, Blountstown, FL.

Nov 2011 to April 2012 -- Wintering at "The Great Outdoors RV and Golf Resort" in Titusville, FL. You can follow our travels at my other Blog "Follow the Cougar". Use the link at the bottom of this page.

In November, my daughter in Cincinnati forwarded several boxes we had prepacked before we left Ohio. Among them was one containing all of my gathered notes and information in preparation for building my "Elegant Punt".

Nov and Dec 2011 spent reviewing and relearning the accumulated knowledge I had acquired and stored on boat building and the Punt.

Dec 2011 -- holidays and family. This time in Florida and including a four day visit to Disney World with daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter.

So here we are. As the old phrase goes "Now where was I when I got interupted"